mQCL™ Multi-Laser Module for OEM Product Development

mQCLBlock Engineering proudly announces our newest product, the multiplexed Quantum Cascade Laser (mQCL). This innovative next generation module was designed to combine multiple QCLs emitting a wide range of wavelengths to attain a significantly higher level of pulse power, stability, and control dynamics.

Taking its place in the forefront of our suite of widely tunable mid-infrared light sources, the new mQCL offers a near "plug and play" solution for OEM sensor manufactures of a broad array of applications and functions including:

  • Bioprocessing
  • Flow Cell Measurement
  • Laser Scanning Microscopy
  • Gas Spectroscopy
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Chemical Detection and Identification
  • Infrared Imaging

Available with and without combining optics, the mQCL provides precision control of between one and four widely tunable QCLs over the mid-infrared range of 770 -2000 WN (5-13µm), while passive cooling provides superior thermal and temporal stability in a wide range of system integrations.

In addition, with Block's new "Interleaved Mode" the mQCL yields faster analysis by measuring multiple wave numbers simultaneously.

Additional features include:

  • Higher duty cycle options (increased average power)
  • Dynamic duty cycle programming (tune average power by WN)
  • Ability to conduct wave number sweeps, step functions, and static wave numbers
  • Easy to use GUI for turnkey operations; permits employment in just minutes
  • Streamlined software development kit
  • Passive and active cooling options

For more information, comprehensive product specifications, or to discuss how Block's lasers can help with your application needs, please contact us.