Protection of Mass Gathering Events from Chemical Threats

Mass gathering events such as concerts, sporting events, and political rallies present unique security challenges. The LaserWarn is designed to identify and detect chemical threats within these large, densely populated sites.

The instrument may be quickly installed and configured to scan for toxic or hazardous chemicals over hundreds of meters using an invisible, eye-safe mid-infrared laser. Chemical threats — including chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals — can be detected within seconds when they cross the laser beam path.

The system is available in both indoor and outdoor designs, with an enclosure rated to IP66 standards. The sensor field is scalable and is engineered to detect and identify threats in perimeter, line, and area configurations. Detection of CWAs and TICs/TIMs are at ultra-low parts-per-million levels.

The chemical threat library is updateable to account for emerging chemical threats.

Protection of Mass Gathering Sites and Events:

  • Political Rallies
  • Sporting Events
  • Concert Halls
  • Stadiums
  • Conferences and Conventions
  • Music and Arts Festivals
  • Parades
  • Religious Events
  • Protests and Demonstrations

Please contact us to discuss your application needs, or visit our LaserWarn product page for technical information on our standoff chemical detection solutions.